Archive | June, 2011

The F Word’s Radio Shows

20 Jun

Guess what. I’ve just found the archive for The F Word’s radio shows on Co Op Radio. (That’s the the F Word Media Collective,  in Vancouver, BC.)

Their last show is all about the waves. And it features an interview with Dr. Sunera Thobani. Here’s my favourite part of the interview.

The individualism that lies at the heart of western feminism also lies at the heart of neoliberalism. The whole corporate agenda is being driven in the name of free choice, individual responsibility, and feminists actually further that discourse, and so in many ways feminists are furthering a neoconservative ideological position. Individualism, of course, lies at the heart of capitalism. And feminists continue to further an ideology which I think is really very detrimental to the interests of most women who live on the planet because it is collective interests and it’s social interests and social well being that should be at the centre of our politics. Not individualism, individualism individual choice actually furthers what the current system is based on.


The Container, a play by Clare Bayley

9 Jun

The Container tells the story of five migrants – two Afghans, two Somalis and a Turkish Kurd –seeking a new life in the UK. The play deals with asylum, racial and religious persecution, and is staged in an actual container lorry, with the audiences shut inside the enclosed space for the performance. Here’s a review by The Guardian.

It was staged at the Edinburgh festival in 2007, where it won Amnesty International 2007 Freedom of Expression Award and a Fringe First award.

It is being staged at Chapter, produced by the Welsh Refugee Council as part of Wales Refugee Week. You can find out more and buy the tickets for it here.

Hat tip to Rachel.

SlutWalk Cardiff – Open Thread

4 Jun

If anyone feels like commenting about the walk, here’s a space to do so.

Here are some photos link and link. If you have any more, leave them in comments.

And I believe the Post SlutWalk discussion will be taking place at…

Milgi’s 8th of June 6:30 PM